A High Level Introduction to GoNetworks State Channel Architectures
Last year we turned our attention to scaling. It became apparent to build Dapps that could reach consumer markets, blockchains needed to address transaction throughput and latency. Based on our research, we set our sights on contributing to L2 scaling solutions by developing State Channels. For a deeper insight into our design process, refer to the section Inspiration and Background.
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GoNetwork: We Have Liftoff...
The first version of GoNetworks' state-channel framework has been released. We have made the repo's publicly available at this time for the community to review. We have 3 components we have worked on: The engine, the transport channel implementation using Mqtt, and the blockchain-service for Ethereum. The GoNetwork State-Channel Engine is the core of the framework.
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Thank you for your continued support and stay safe from scammers!
First of all, we would like to thank you all for your continued support. We now have over 70,000 members in our Telegram channel, and over 40,000 twitter followers. Our community would not be so vibrant without your help and belief.
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GoNetwork telegram has grown to over 12k members - Thank you! We have some updates for you.
Since announcing our intention to launch the GoNetwork ICO, things have been moving at a super-sonic speed. It has been an amazing ride so far, over 12,000 people have joined us on Telegram and it's growing fast daily. All this incredible growth came from just world of mouth - by people talking about GoNetwork.
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The Secret GoNetwork Master Plan (just between you and me)
Mobile is eating the world¹. Mobile web browsing has overtaken desktop. Google has said it is now bigger on mobile than on desktop in 10 countries. More than half of Facebook users now connect to the site with just a mobile phone. Mobile has become the primary device for the masses. On the other hand, mobile platforms are massively underserved by current blockchain solutions. To take blockchain to the masses, we have developed a master plan.
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GoNetwork Tutorial - Welcome to the first of a series of technical blog posts from GoNetwork.
First a little background on how we got here. ETHWaterloo represented the largest global Ethereum hackathon with participants coming from 32 countries. The 32 hour hack was judged by such notable names in the blockchain community including; Vitalik Buterin, Jeff Coleman, Brian Bondy, Joseph Lubin, Dmitry Buterin to name a few.
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We Won ETHWaterloo Hackathon - The World's Largest Ethereum Hackathon!
ETHWaterloo represented the largest global Ethereum hackathon with participants coming from 32 countries, but it was the local Waterloo based GoNetwork team that stood atop the winners circle.
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Welcome to GoNetwork - Our Story!
At GoNetwork, we have embarked upon a challenge of creating a unique platform that enables virtual goods creation, distribution and trading on a massive scale. The GoNetwork team consists of serial entrepreneurs who have created companies serving millions of users and have a proven track record.
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